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Student Resources

Links to Resources

Academic Supports & the ARC (Academic Resource Center)

For students who need academic support at Hinsdale Central High School, there are many places you can get help.  The first and best resource is to reach out to your teacher.  After talking to your teacher, below is a list of resources you can visit.  The ARC is open every day during lunch periods (per 4-7), staffed by a HCHS math teacher and student tutors in most subjects.

Academic Supports AT HCHS & ARC

Reschedule and Assessment
Students who have multiple assessments (three or more) on a given day may work with their teachers to reschedule one. This opportunity is intended to help students better manage their schedule and support their social and emotional health and well-being.

Students who want to request the rescheduling of an assessment need to fill out and sign the form that is linked below, and have their teacher and a parent/guardian sign it as well.

The form below is to be used to move an assessment when you have 3 or more during the school day.   If you are looking to move a final exam, please click on the links further down on the page.

request to move an assessment     

Need to Move a Final Exam? 
The expectation is that students take a final exam during the designated time frame. The only exception to this is if a student has three final exams on a given day. If a student has 3 exams on one day, the student may reschedule one exam via the “Request to Move an Exam.” The form can be found below.  Forms need to be approved by the Dean's Office the Thursday before final exams. Completed forms (with teacher signature) are due to the Dean’s Office the Friday before semester exams begin.  Students may move an exam to their PE class period, study hall, lunch period or the make-up slot.  Students are NOT approved to reschedule exams to take them early for vacations or other personal reasons.  We understand that at times emergencies or extenuating circumstances may arise.  Please contact the Director of Deans to discuss potential options to move an exam. 

Final Exam Schedule and Important Details

Final Exam Information

Request to move final exams

Technology Consent Form

Click the link below to access the district's computer use and internet consent form. This form must be signed by the student and their parent/guardian. 

Computer Use & Internet Consent Waiver

Student Gmail
Click the image below to access your district-issued student email account.

Click the image below to access the login page for Canvas.


Information and Contacts

Below is a list of topics students may have questions or need more information about, as well as the individual/office they should contact for assistance. Students can also find detailed information about many of these topics in the Student Handbook and/or Student Planner. 
  • Behavioral Concerns - Dean's or Counselor's Office
  • Bus or Parking Questions - Dean's Office
  • Bus Pass (temporary) - Dean's Office
  • Homework for Extended Absence - Counselor
  • Late Arrival/Early Dismissal - Dean's Office
  • Locker Jammed - Buildings and Grounds
  • Lost and Found - Bookstore
  • Lost Identification Card - Bookstore
  • Medical Hall Pass - Health Services
  • Message Board - Main Office
  • PE Medical Exemption - Health Services
  • Poster Approvals - Activities Director
  • Student Pick Up - Dean's Office
  • Transcripts - Registrar
  • Work Permits - Registrar

Outside Deliveries/Lunch Drop Off

Hinsdale Central does not allow deliveries for food or other items from outside vendors.  In order to keep our campus safe and secure, we ask that lunch drop off be limited for emergency purposes.